Withdraw Casino Tokens for Ethereum
Withdraw Process
User initiates a withdrawal through a command or button.
The bot prompts the user to enter the amount of casino tokens they wish to withdraw.
The bot calculates the ETH equivalent of the tokens, considering the current ETH price, conversion rate, and a house cut percentage.
A detailed confirmation message is presented, showing the withdrawal amount in tokens and ETH, gas fees, total cost, and the new balance post-withdrawal. This message includes an option to confirm or cancel the withdrawal.
Upon confirmation, the bot processes the withdrawal.
The house’s private key is used to create and sign the transaction.
The transaction includes a hex-encoded message detailing the withdrawal.
Gas estimation is performed, and the gas limit is set.
The bot submits the transaction and waits for blockchain confirmation.
After confirmation, the user's account is debited the specified amount of casino tokens, including the house cut and the bot sends a confirmation message.
Last updated