Roulette Analysis
Betting Mechanics: Users can place bets on specific numbers (0 to 36), as well as additional betting options like Red, Black, Odd, and Even. Bets are managed through the bot's interface, and the user's balance is updated based on the game outcome.
Random Outcome Generation: The game outcome (winning number) is generated randomly, ensuring a fair and unpredictable result in line with how traditional roulette operates.
User Interaction: The game is highly interactive, using Telegram's callback queries to handle user inputs and decisions. Users can select their bets and interact with the game in real-time.
Visual Feedback: The script simulates a spinning roulette wheel by sending and editing messages to create a dynamic visual effect, enhancing user engagement and mimicking the suspense of a physical roulette wheel.
Result Computation and Display: Once the spinning effect concludes, the bot displays the winning number along with the corresponding color (Red, Black, or Green). It then calculates and updates the user's balance based on the bet and the game outcome.
Data Persistence: User balances and bets are stored in a SQLite database, allowing for persistence of user data across game sessions. This feature is crucial for maintaining a continuous gaming experience.
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